Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Murder in Midwinter

Well, that's the Music Hall over. Sunday was, as suspected, knackering, but a good response from the audience (1000 seater theatre, this) although very scary when you're out there on your own.

Leo has left home, new job a tad repetitive, but as he said, he stuck Tesco and Jessops for long enough, and at least it's in his own field. He loves Didsbury, and I'm sure he'll get into the local music scene eventually. He'll have to, or all that money he spent on his lovely new Ludwig drum kit will be wasted!

Electrics have been done, I've tidied up my bedroom and feel almost back to normal. First panto rehearsal tonight, minus a couple of principals, but at least we'll get started.

Here's the cover of Murder in Midwinter in case anyone's missed Mandy's lovely slide show further down. Really must send out the press releases!


Leigh Russell said...

Love the cover. You manage to evoke so much atmosphere in your designs. Glad to hear your son's getting to where he wants to be in his life. It's a journey not a destination. Keep in touch, Lesley.

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Lesley and thanks for visiting my blog. I've answered your comments there. Keep in touch.

iwillgetthere said...

Thanks for your comments. I know I am not alone, in fact there are far too many people out there in my situation, but it does help to have contact with people that have even a little insight into what is going on.

Middle Ditch said...

Good cover. Keep writing.

Leigh Russell said...

Music Hall sounds fun. I wish I could sing and dance. But in front of 1,000 people!!! Maybe not...