Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bad Behaviour

Just a quick post to tell everyone about Bad Behaviour, the small collection of short stories coming out to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Accent Press. They've done well by me, and I'm really glad Hazel and I met at Uni!

Accent is expanding like mad, and have all sorts of new people with dedicated jobs. Lauren does social networking, so I've been surprised a couple of times by posts on my "work" Facebook page to have replies to comments I haven't made. She also sends out a weekly Top Tips newsletter, which I gape at for a bit and wonder how anyone has time to do it all - oh, and write books, too. However, she is going to be the one sending out review copies to all the US and Canada bloggers who are kindly hosting me on my blog tour. No, I didn't organise that, either. A kind Cosy Mystery website has organised it for me. So thank you, Lauren!


Carol McGrath said...

Yes they are indeed going from strength to strength and Lauren is a delight. I look forward to reading this collection the moment I get time.x

Henriette said...

Lovely cover, Lesley, and it ties in very well with your novel covers. Here's to mega sales!

Elaine said...

Love the cover, Lesley, sinister and subtle.
I'm looking forward to reading them.

Elaine said...

I love the cover, Lesley, subtle and sinister. Will be reading the stories as soon as I'm able.

Elaine said...

Third time lucky with posting?
I think the cover is cool, Lesley, subtle and sinister. Can't wait to read the stories.

Lesley Cookman said...

Thanks, all. I'm very pleased with it. Hazel is brilliant about covers - I always get involved and have final approval. Elaine - the reason your initial post didn't appear straightaway is that I have the comments moderation switch on! After I had some spammy and inappropriate comments in the early days, it seemed the way to go. Anyway, I posted 2 of yours - I thought 4 might be overkill!

Witch of Stitches said...

Love your books!!!