Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dolphins and libraries

Day two - a quick report on a talk yesterday evening at Lyminge Library, where, apart from the librarians, I was easily the youngest - and I'm not young! The ten ladies and one gentleman were part of a reading group, and had held their meeting in the morning in order to save my blushes while they pulled my book to pieces. They were very sweet and quite complimentary, and very impressed when I reported my three weeks in the Small Publishers' Top Ten. They were also thrilled to learn how many of their favourite authors I knew - particularly Katie Fforde, Jill Mansell, Anna Jacobs and Benita Brown.

Courtesy of my friend, Jonathan Goss, here is a photograph of the dolphins that came to play on one of our boat trips in Turkey last week, along with a picture of me on the boat. Don't think anyone's reading this, yet - except Jules, of course. And Mandy.


Anonymous said...

Love the dolphins - and you look very godess-like in the floaty robe. V. impressed by your aplomb with the library talk. They scare me out of my chemise.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Gorgeous dres, Lesley. Also nice dolphins and grandson.

Jane Henry said...

Lovely pics Lesley,am jealous of the dolphins. Have NEVER seen them before, and would so love to.

And if you're an unnatural granny, I think I must be the most unnatural mum in the world (or so my best friend seems to think) - see my rather long blog today!

love Julesxxx

Jane Henry said...

whoops meant to say have never seen dolphins in the wild before...

Lesley Cookman said...

Thank you all. Dress one of three bought in various charity shops over the last few years and only worn on hols in order to conceal body from impressionable dolphins...and nubile females of whom I am unreasonably jealous.

And Jules, this was the second time this year I'd had the same experience: dolphins playing with and escorting a boat I just happened to be on. People are now asking if I'll go on a boat trip with them.

Anonymous said...

Must say I agree about the dress. Lovely and floaty.

Amazing picture of the dolphins. I've only ever seen them in captivity. Is it true, or is it a myth, that dolphins have been known to help ship-wrecked sailors towards the shore? They certainly do in one of my favourite novels by Mary Stewart, "This Rough Magic", but that's fiction, of course!

Lesley Cookman said...

I believe it is true, Henri. There have been well documented reports of "pilot" dolphins, particularly during the war, and these babies were certainly playing with us. They were turning on their sides and looking up at us, blowing water out of their spout holes onto us and doing victory rolls. I was so close I could have reached down and stroked them.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the word verification - it's like Countdown, trying to make the longest word out of the letters!
Congrats on blog, Lesley. And recent library talk. What lovely people they were...!

Dolphins look fab too.