Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Website and Murdering Mistresses

My new website is now operational at the same address as before, so please take a look and let me know what you think.

Linda Regan and I have settled on her name for us, which is Murdering Mistresses! We will be offering joint talks and workshops in much the same way as Sarah Rayne and Maureen Carter do as Lethal Ladies, although we haven't quite worked out the details yet! She has a much fuller calendar than I do, as she's still a working actress, but we'll manage something eventually.

I've managed to waste even more time now I'm on Twitter, but did find out about a new review of one of my books on a US website through Twittering, so not all bad.

Please leave a comment if you've read this post so I know I'm not spouting into a void. Liz and Jan, bless you for yours.


TheInvisibleWorm said...

Hi Lesley - just been to check out your website. Looks terrific.

Caro said...

Lesley - I just checked out your website. Content is great but I would not overload as there is quite a lot to look at in not much space. Also I'm not over enthusiastic about the white-out lettering with black background on first screen.

Lesley Cookman said...

Thanks, Louise and Caro. Unfortunately, overloading is necessary, Caro, as it's a marketing tool - but you know that! US fans seem to like as much as they can possibly get on a website.

Anonymous said...

hi lesley, what did you think of your website designer - she recently contacted me and am thinking of upgrading.
love Dellaxxx

Marie said...

Hi. Just to say I like the layout of your website - think it's great. Will be buying your new book and saving it to read on my next holiday!

Leigh Russell said...

Hi there Lesley - you weren't joking about life becoming hectic once your book's due for publication. I haven't had time to write for a few weeks - my first book's hitting the shelves next month. I haven't got round to having a website yet and am very impressed by your online savvy. Good for you. I wish you lots of luck with it. I met Linda Regan at the Society of Authors once. I don't suppose she'll remember me (I never forget anyone) but do give her my best wishes.

Leigh Russell said...

I haven't come across your publisher, Accent Press, and will check them out straight away, along with your website, which I'm sure is impressive!

Leigh Russell said...

I checked out your website, Lesley, and I liked the look of it very much. I think you've done a great job. I's a pity your publisher can't do more to promote you on the link to their website. It looks more as though you're promoting your publisher. Perhaps your agent could find you a more established publisher now you have a few exciting books under your belt?