Friday, May 08, 2009

Sixth Libby on its way!

Thank you, Leigh! I'm sure you must have done the trick.

Yes, Hazel Cushion, MD of Accent Press, rang me yesterday to say they would like a 6th Libby Sarjeant novel. That's good, because I'd already done most of the research. So, next March 8th, Murder in The Green will make its appearance. I have actually started writing it, so with a bit of luck I won't end up in a mad panic at the end.

I shall try and continue with the stand-alone along side MITG. I know writers who can do this, the indefatigable Penny Jordan, for instance, who not only writes her three M&Bs a year, but one for Avon and another for HC under the name of Annie Groves. Don't know how she does it. I think I'm much lazier.

Now looking forward to the RNA Summer party next Wednesday, and my own little launch party on May 18th. Such larks.


cottonreel said...

Hi, I,m cottonreel, I like a good murder ,I,ll look out for you at the library tomorow morning

Leigh Russell said...

Well done, Lesley. I'm really pleased for you - but not at all surprised, I must say. Still, it's very gratifying to be wanted, isn't it?

Will you be at any festivals this year?

Publication of my first book is rapidly approaching - publication June 10th, books with the distributor June 5th - my publisher assures me all the copies will be at the bookshops in time for my signings. I didn't realise a book launch would be quite this hectic! I wish I could afford to give up the day job...

Please come on over to my blog and join in the fun, if you have time. But I expect you'll be too busy writing. I must start again soon but all this launch circus is too distracting. How do you manage it all?

Kate Lord Brown said...

Hello Lesley - nice to find you on blogger as well as Twitter! Amazing any of us get any writing done isn't it ?! Congratulations again!